Friday 1 June 2018

1866 Austrian 12th Uhlans S range conversion

I keep telling myself that the Austrians are complete but then I find a picture and think I wonder if I could make that!  Such is the case with a picture I came across showing the 1866 Austrian 12th Uhlans.  

The uniform looked like a cross between that of an uhlan and a hussar.  I couldn't resist trying.

So I give you my take on the Austrian 12th Uhlans, involving the head and lance arm from a FPW Prussian Uhlan and the body of a Hussar - minus his head and sword arm of course.  

I may still make a coil of hay(?) - horse feed as in the picture.  I only use units of 6 figures so it didn't take that long to hand convert the unit.   For now they will join the rest of the Austrians and the army will be finished.

The conversion went surprisingly well until I looked again at the picture and realised there was no fur trim to the 'Hussar jacket', so that had to be dealt with.  The sabretache is also wrong - I think - but after an attempt to remove it cleanly didn't work I left well alone.

I was pleased with the final 'bare metal version' but lost my way painting the figure to the point that I just wanted them over and done with.  I am still not sure what went wrong, or if I was just rushing, but I seemed to make a mistake with the painting at every stage.  Anyway they will do and boost the Allied cavalry.


  1. Nicely done! It is always amazing what a little thought and ingenuity can produce. They look super.

    Best Regards,


    1. Hi Stokes, yes, you are spot on. It is often just seeing things a bit differently. I am not trying to produce 'spot on figures', that is way beyond my talents and I am in awe of the current crop of wargame figure designers. I just fill in some gaps with figures that match what I have.

  2. I think they were well worth the effort

    1. I am pleased you liked them. Your blog is one of my regular ports of call.

  3. I heartily concur with the two gentlemen who have already commented. Another very clever and convincing conversion
    Best regards

    1. Hi WM, Good to hear from you after your globe trotting exploits. Glad you liked them. As I said in my blog, I was pleased with the conversion but the painting just wouldn't flow for some reason.

  4. I greatly enjoy your preoccupation with the S range figures.

  5. Hi Hal glad you enjoy these conversions and the range. I wish I was a better modeller as I am sure I could do more and better. Have to limit myself to conversions and keeping it simple, although this one was a bit of a challenge.
