Wednesday 1 February 2017

Bob's Charity Shop Purchase

When Bob came over for a wargame he brought with him 2 new wooden 'toy' buildings that he had found in a local Charity shop.  

The buildings cost £1 each.  They slot together and don't look much until you give them a coat of paint.  They look good with my 25mm S range figures.

The mystery is why the door which you can see in the art work and on the model is upside down! 


  1. I've gone a different route for my S Range Franco Prussian War - I've bought up built German HO model railway kits, quite a big investment but with careful selection they give a very pleasing and consistent look

  2. Hi I have seen the pictures on your blog and love the buildings. Did a search online to try to find them looked at Faher (?) but couldn't find them.

  3. Hi. There are a few German makes for HO buildings. They are quite expensive new, but can be found on auction sites. The name you are looking for is probably Faller.

  4. Mine are all either Vollmer or Kibri. Just search eBay for "Vollmer HO" or "Kibri HO" to avoid all the N gauge ones. Then choose the ones that look 19th Century. I've finished buying them now so there should be less competition!

  5. I'm not sure if it was clear from my first post I buy them built - this saves the bother of putting them together and can be cheaper than new. Keep a careful eye on the shipping costs as the sellers can be from all over the world

  6. Hi both, Many thanks for the tips, much appreciated and the correct spelling of the names.
